EmbryoScope Plus: Nurturing Embryos with Special Care to Boost Your Pregnancy Chances

Center : Nakornthon Gift Fertility Center

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Nurturing Embryos

Nurturing embryos to the robust and healthy blastocyst stage is a crucial step in enhancing the effectiveness of infertility treatments. By cultivating embryos in the EmbryoScope Plus, we can closely monitor their growth during the in vitro fertilization (IVF/ICSI) process. This advanced incubator provides comprehensive and accurate data on embryo development, with continuous video recording throughout the cultivation period. This uninterrupted monitoring within the EmbryoScope Plus significantly increases the likelihood of successful embryo implantation, ultimately leading to higher pregnancy success rates.

EmbryoScope Plus Incubator: What It Is and How It Helps

The EmbryoScope Plus is an advanced technology for nurturing and tracking embryo development within a closed system. It uses time-lapse imaging to observe the growth of embryos without the need to remove them from the incubator, reducing any factors that might disrupt their development. This approach maximizes the chances of the embryos reaching the strong and healthy blastocyst stage, while minimizing risks associated with laboratory conditions. The EmbryoScope Plus enhances the safety and potential of embryo cultivation.

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Features of EmbryoScope Plus

  1. Embryo Incubation
    • The EmbryoScope Plus maintains precise control over temperature, humidity, and gas levels, creating the ideal environment for embryo development.
    • Designed to minimize the need for opening and closing the incubator, this system ensures that embryos remain undisturbed during their critical growth phases.
  2. Time-Lapse Monitoring
    • High-resolution cameras capture detailed images of embryos at various stages.
    • The system records continuous time-lapse images every 10-20 minutes, allowing for detailed tracking of growth and development.
    • The EmbryoScope Plus software automatically analyzes embryo development, providing deep insights into the timing and progression of each stage.
  3. Embryo Quality Assessment
    • Using image processing technology, the system analyzes the physical characteristics and development of embryos.
    • By tracking growth, the system assesses the potential for successful implantation, aiding in the selection of embryos most likely to result in a successful pregnancy.
  4. Data Recording and Storage
    • Long-term data storage allows for future analysis and reference, with all images and data stored in a database.
    • Information can be easily shared with medical teams and patients, facilitating better decision-making.

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Benefits of Cultivating Embryos in EmbryoScope Plus

  1. Increased Pregnancy Success: Detailed monitoring and quality assessment significantly enhance the chances of selecting embryos with the highest implantation potential.
  2. Optimal Environment: The controlled environment reduces risks that could affect embryo quality.
  3. Comprehensive Insights: The time-lapse monitoring provides doctors with the detailed information needed to select the best embryos for transfer.

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At Nakornthon Gift Fertility Center, our state-of-the-art EmbryoScope Plus incubators meet the highest standards, and our team of reproductive medicine specialists and experienced scientists are dedicated to providing personalized treatment plans. By leveraging this advanced technology, we can significantly improve pregnancy chances and the success of infertility treatments. Whether in-person or online, we are here to provide you with the expert guidance and care you need on your journey to parenthood.

Dr.Waranya Sirithanasarn Dr.Waranya Sirithanasarn

Dr.Waranya Sirithanasarn
Obstertrics and Gynaecology / Reproductive Medicine
Nakornthon Gift Fertility Center


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